Now, a new game is only required for an "Adventure". Enabling multiple mods at the same time also became really difficult that way.

This would be the case for new stories, but also just for adding a new sword. In DOS1, you could create a mod and then make that the main mod for the game after which you needed to start a new game. I think the most important feature is the new concept of "Adventures" and "Add-ons" and how it allows for plug-and-play modding. RPS: What features have you added to the modding tools since Divinity: Original Sin 1? I talked to him to find out more about what's coming up next in his tutorial series, what it's possible to do within the editor and what some of his own favourite mods are. Kevin Van Nerum, a programmer at Larian Studios recently made a handy tutorial video which showed users how to make their first custom level. But if that's not enough, every copy ships with 'The Divinity Engine 2', which provides everyone with access to the same tools that the xevs used to make the original game. Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a fantastic game.